Undergraduate Visualization and Modeling Network (UVNM)

The Undergraduate Visualization and Modeling Network (UVMN) program gives opportunities to engage diverse students in undergraduate research and CI-enabled education through the WC-WAVE grant. UVMN will provide professional development for faculty and students from Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUI) in the three Western Consortium states of New Mexico, Idaho, and Nevada. Participation includes three basic components:
- Summer Workshop that focuses on creating GIS content, watershed models, and novel approaches to 3D models;
- Development of an Education Module in the semester following the Summer Workshop for an existing STEM course at the faculty & student's own instutition;
- Implementation of a Virtual Community to discuss progress, opportunities and challenges.
Faculty and students interested in introducing modeling and visualization into their earth and environmental science courses should apply.
Click here for the full description of the program and the application.
Applications must be filled out by a faculty/student team and are due on March 2, 2015 to Selena Connealy, connealy@epscor.unm.edu.